Guest Editors:
Prof. Chenli Liu, Shenzhen Institutes of Advanced Technology (SIAT), CAS, China
Background and Objective
The bottom-up engineering approach of synthetic biology enables the construction of synthetic biological systems to test the quantitative predictions of life phenomena by quantitative biology, leading to new understanding; In turn, development of the basic theory of quantitative biology can help the rational design of synthetic living organisms, addressing major challenges facing human society. The cross-fertilization of quantitative biology and synthetic biology has led to an exciting interdisciplinary area “quantitative synthetic biology”, and holds the promise to transform biological sciences from qualitative/descriptive studies to quantitative/predictive research.
Subject Coverage: We invite authors to submit original research and reviews to this Special Issue. The topics will encompass research fields in quantitative and synthetic biology, including but not limited to:
● Quantitative theory of biological processes
● Design principles of synthetic biological systems
● Emerging technologies in quantitative and synthetic biology
● Applications of quantitative and synthetic biology
About Quantitative Biology
Quantitative Biology (Editors-in-Chief: Dr. Chao Tang and Dr. Michael Q. Zhang, Executive Editor-in-Chief: Dr. Xuegong Zhang; ) is an interdisciplinary journal that focuses on significant research that uses quantitative approaches and technologies to analyze and integrate biological systems, to construct and model engineered life systems, and to gain a deeper understanding of life sciences. It aims to provide a platform for not only the analysis but also the integration and construction of biological systems.
Publication and Peer-review Process
All manuscripts are reviewed by the Editorial Board and qualified reviewers. The journal makes the decisions as rapidly as possible, and we strive to return reviewers comments to authors within 3 weeks. All accepted articles will be published online first after proofreading and formatting process. As an incentive, we offer open access and free article-processing.
Indexing Body and Partners
QB has been indexed by ESCI, BIOSIS Previews, Biological Abstracts, Google Scholar, Scopus, Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS), Chinese Science Citation Database (CSCD), EBSCO Discovery Service, Institute of Scientific and Technical Information of China, Naver, OCLC WorldCat Discovery Service, ProQuest-ExLibris Primo, ProQuest-ExLibris Summon.
Important Dates:
Submission Deadline: December 30, 2021
Manuscripts Submission:
Content Available Online:
Pubdate: 2021-03-16