Exploring age and gender disparities in cardiometabolic phenotypes and lipidomic signatures among Chinese adults: a nationwide cohort study

Xiaojing Jia, Hong Lin, Ruizhi Zheng, Shuangyuan Wang, Yilan Ding, Chunyan Hu, Mian Li, Yu Xu, Min Xu, Guixia Wang, Lulu Chen, Tianshu Zeng, Ruying Hu, Zhen Ye, Lixin Shi, Qing Su, Yuhong Chen, Xuefeng Yu, Li Yan, Tiange Wang, Zhiyun Zhao, Guijun Qin, Qin Wan, Gang Chen, Meng Dai, Di Zhang, Bihan Qiu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Jie Zheng, Xulei Tang, Zhengnan Gao, Feixia Shen, Xuejiang Gu, Zuojie Luo, Yingfen Qin, Li Chen, Xinguo Hou, Yanan Huo, Qiang Li, Yinfei Zhang, Chao Liu, Youmin Wang, Shengli Wu, Tao Yang, Huacong Deng, Jiajun Zhao, Yiming Mu, Shenghan Lai, Donghui Li, Weiguo Hu, Guang Ning, Weiqing Wang, Yufang Bi, Jieli Lu, for the 4C Study Group

Life Metabolism ›› 2024, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (5) : loae032.

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Life Metabolism ›› 2024, Vol. 3 ›› Issue (5) : loae032. DOI: 10.1093/lifemeta/loae032
Clinical and Translational Study

Exploring age and gender disparities in cardiometabolic phenotypes and lipidomic signatures among Chinese adults: a nationwide cohort study

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Understanding sex disparities in modifiable risk factors across the lifespan is essential for crafting individualized intervention strategies. We aim to investigate age-related sex disparity in cardiometabolic phenotypes in a large nationwide Chinese cohort. A total of 254,670 adults aged 40 years or older were selected from a population-based cohort in China. Substantial sex disparities in the prevalence of metabolic diseases were observed across different age strata, particularly for dyslipidemia and its components. Generalized additive models were employed to characterize phenotype features, elucidating how gender differences evolve with advancing age. Half of the 16 phenotypes consistently exhibited no sex differences, while four (high-density lipoprotein [HDL] cholesterol, apolipoprotein A1, diastolic blood pressure, and fasting insulin) displayed significant sex differences across all age groups. Triglycerides, apolipoprotein B, non-HDL cholesterol, and total cholesterol demonstrated significant age-dependent sex disparities. Notably, premenopausal females exhibited significant age-related differences in lipid levels around the age of 40–50 years, contrasting with the relatively stable associations observed in males and postmenopausal females. Menopause played an important but not sole role in age-related sex differences in blood lipids. Sleep duration also had an age- and sex-dependent impact on lipids. Lipidomic analysis and K-means clustering further revealed that 58.6% of the 263 measured lipids varied with sex and age, with sphingomyelins, cholesteryl esters, and triacylglycerols being the most profoundly influenced lipid species by the combined effects of age, sex, and their interaction. These findings underscore the importance of age consideration when addressing gender disparities in metabolic diseases and advocate for personalized, age-specific prevention and management.


sex difference / aging / metabolic diseases / modifiable risk factors / lipidomics

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Xiaojing Jia, Hong Lin, Ruizhi Zheng, Shuangyuan Wang, Yilan Ding, Chunyan Hu, Mian Li, Yu Xu, Min Xu, Guixia Wang, Lulu Chen, Tianshu Zeng, Ruying Hu, Zhen Ye, Lixin Shi, Qing Su, Yuhong Chen, Xuefeng Yu, Li Yan, Tiange Wang, Zhiyun Zhao, Guijun Qin, Qin Wan, Gang Chen, Meng Dai, Di Zhang, Bihan Qiu, Xiaoyan Zhu, Jie Zheng, Xulei Tang, Zhengnan Gao, Feixia Shen, Xuejiang Gu, Zuojie Luo, Yingfen Qin, Li Chen, Xinguo Hou, Yanan Huo, Qiang Li, Yinfei Zhang, Chao Liu, Youmin Wang, Shengli Wu, Tao Yang, Huacong Deng, Jiajun Zhao, Yiming Mu, Shenghan Lai, Donghui Li, Weiguo Hu, Guang Ning, Weiqing Wang, Yufang Bi, Jieli Lu, for the 4C Study Group. Exploring age and gender disparities in cardiometabolic phenotypes and lipidomic signatures among Chinese adults: a nationwide cohort study. Life Metabolism, 2024, 3(5): loae032 https://doi.org/10.1093/lifemeta/loae032


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