Jan 2024, Volume 19 Issue 1

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    Grant R. SINGLETON, Lyn A. HINDS, Rhodes MAKUNDI, Steven R. BELMAIN
    John G. INNES, Grant NORBURY, Araceli SAMANIEGO, Susan WALKER, Deborah J. WILSON

    Aotearoa—New Zealand has only four rodent species, all introduced. In order of arrival, they are Pacific rat Rattus exulans, brown rat R. norvegicus, house mouse Mus musculus, and black rat R. rattus. Rodent management in New Zealand aims mainly to conserve indigenous biodiversity rather than to protect crops or manage diseases, as is usual elsewhere. We describe four major “regimes” and one major vision for rodent control in New Zealand to meet ecological restoration objectives. Current challenges for island eradications are for large islands that are remote or populated by people. Aerial 1080 is the only large-scale (tens of thousands of hectares) option for black rat control, but its application requires adjustment to counter subsequent rapid black rat repopulation. Unfenced “ecosanctuaries” (mean 720 ha) use ground-based traps and poisons to target mainly black rats and face constant reinvasion. Ecosanctuaries with mammal-resistant fences (up to 3500 ha) limit reinvasion and target more pest species and have enabled the return of previously extirpated taxa to the main islands. Predator Free 2050 aims to eradicate the rat species (but not mice) plus some other introduced mammals from New Zealand by 2050. This vision is not attainable with current tools, but research and experimental management is exploring techniques and technologies. The large scale (to 100 000 ha) at which black rats are now targeted for control to extremely low abundance seems to be unique to New Zealand.

    Charles J. KREBS, Alice J. KENNEY, B. Scott GILBERT, Rudy BOONSTRA

    Baseline studies of small rodent populations in undisturbed ecosystems are rare. We report here 50 years of monitoring and experimentation in Yukon of a dominant rodent species in the North American boreal forest, the red-backed vole Clethrionomys rutilus. These voles breed in summer, weigh 20–25 g, and reach a maximum density of 20 to 25 per ha. Their populations have shown consistent 3–4-year cycles for the last 50 years with the only change being that peak densities averaged 8/ha until 2000 and 18/ha since that year. During the last 25 years, we have measured food resources, predator numbers, and winter weather, and for 1-year social interactions, to estimate their contribution to changes in the rate of summer increase and the rate of overwinter decline. All these potential limiting factors could contribute to changes in density, and we measured their relative contributions statistically with multiple regressions. The rate of winter decline in density was related to both food supply and winter severity. The rate of summer increase was related to summer berry crops and white spruce cone production. No measure of predator numbers was related to winter or summer changes in vole abundance. There was a large signal of climate change effects in these populations. There is no density dependence in summer population growth and only a weak one in winter population declines. None of our results provide a clear understanding of what generates 3–4-year cycles in these voles, and the major missing piece may be an understanding of social interactions at high density.

    Laura Mariel CALFAYAN, Regino CAVIA, Jimena FRASCHINA, Juan Santiago GUIDOBONO, Irene Laura GOROSITO, María BUSCH

    During the 20th century, there has been an ongoing agricultural expansion and global warming, two of the main determinants influencing biodiversity changes in Argentina. The red hocicudo mouse (Oxymycterus rufus) inhabits subtropical grasslands and riparian habitats and has increased its abundance in recent years in central Argentina agroecosystems. This paper describes the long-term temporal changes in O. rufus abundance in Exaltación de la Cruz department, Buenos Aires province, Argentina, in relation to weather fluctuations and landscape features, as well as analyzes the spatio-temporal structure of captures of animals. We used generalized liner models, semivariograms, the Mantel test, and autocorrelation functions for the analysis of rodent data obtained from trappings conducted between 1984 and 2014. O. rufus showed an increase in abundance across the years of study, with its distribution depending on landscape features, such as habitat types and the distance to floodplains. Capture rates showed a spatio-temporal aggregation, suggesting expansion from previously occupied sites. O. rufus was more abundant at lower minimum temperatures in summer, higher precipitation in spring and summer, and lower precipitations in winter. Weather conditions affected O. rufus abundance, but there was local variation that differed from global patterns of climate change.

    Felicitas Maria BUJNOCH, Daniela REIL, Stephan DREWES, Ulrike M. ROSENFELD, Rainer G. ULRICH, Jens JACOB, Christian IMHOLT

    Rodents are important reservoirs for zoonotic pathogens that cause diseases in humans. Biodiversity is hypothesized to be closely related to pathogen prevalence through multiple direct and indirect pathways. For example, the presence of non-host species can reduce contact rates of the main reservoir host and thus reduce the risk of transmission (“dilution effect”). In addition, an overlap in ecological niches between two species could lead to increased interspecific competition, potentially limiting host densities and reducing density-dependent pathogen transmission processes. In this study, we investigated the relative impact of population-level regulation of direct and indirect drivers of the prevalence of Puumala orthohantavirus (PUUV) in bank voles (Clethrionomys glareolus) during years with high abundance. We compiled data on small mammal community composition from four regions in Germany between 2010 and 2013. Structural equation modeling revealed a strong seasonality in PUUV control mechanisms in bank voles. The abundance of shrews tended to have a negative relationship with host abundance, and host abundance positively influenced PUUV seroprevalence, while at the same time increasing the abundance of competing non-hosts like the wood mouse (Apodemus sylvaticus) and the yellow-necked field mouse (Apodemus flavicollis) were associated with reduced PUUV seroprevalence in the host. These results indicate that for PUUV in bank voles, dilution is associated with increased interspecific competition. Anthropogenic pressures leading to the decline of Apodemus spp. in a specific habitat could lead to the amplification of mechanisms promoting PUUV transmission within the host populations.


    The black rat (Rattus rattus) poses a severe threat to food security and public health in Madagascar, where it is a major cause of pre- and post-harvest crop losses and an important reservoir for many zoonotic diseases, including plague. Elsewhere, ecologically based rodent management (EBRM) strategies have been developed using ecological information to inform decisions on where and when to target control. EBRM could deliver improved health and well-being outcomes in Madagascar if adapted to the local ecological context. Using data collected from removal studies, we explored spatio-temporal patterns in the breeding activity of the black rat (R. rattus) in domestic and agricultural habitats across Madagascar and investigated to what extent these trends are influenced by rainfall and rat density. We identified clear spatio-temporal variation in the seasonality of R. rattus reproduction. Reproduction was highly seasonal both inside and outside of houses, but seasonal trends varied between these two habitats. Seasonal trends were explained, in part, by variation in rainfall; however, the effect of rainfall on reproductive rates did itself vary by season and habitat type. A decline in breeding intensity with increasing rat density was recorded outside of houses. This has important implications for control, as populations may compensate for removal through increased reproduction. We recommend that sustained control initiated before the main breeding season, combined with improved hygiene and adequate rodent-proofing in homes and grain stores, could curtail population growth and reduce pre- and post-harvest losses provided that these measures overcome the compensatory response of rodent populations.

    Giovanna MASSEI, Jens JACOB, Lyn A. HINDS

    Fertility control is often heralded as a humane and effective technique for management of overabundant wildlife, including rodents. The intention is to reduce the use of lethal and inhumane methods, increase farm productivity and food security as well as reduce disease transmission, particularly of zoonoses. We developed a framework to guide researchers and stakeholders planning to assess the effectiveness of a potential contraceptive agent for a particular species. Our guidelines describe the overarching research questions which must be sequentially addressed to ensure adequate data are collected so that a contraceptive can be registered for use in broad-scale rodent management. The framework indicates that studies should be undertaken iteratively and, at times, in parallel, with initial research being conducted on (1) laboratory-based captive assessments of contraceptive effects in individuals; (2) simulation of contraceptive delivery using bait markers and/or surgical sterilization of different proportions of a field-based or enclosure population to determine how population dynamics are affected; (3) development of mathematical models which predict the outcomes of different fertility control scenarios; and (4) implementation of large-scale, replicated trials to validate contraceptive efficacy under various management-scale field situations. In some circumstances, fertility control may be most effective when integrated with other methods (e.g. some culling). Assessment of non-target effects, direct and indirect, and the environmental fate of the contraceptive must also be determined. Developing fertility control for a species is a resource-intensive commitment but will likely be less costly than the ongoing environmental and economic impacts by rodents and rodenticides in many contexts.

    Ajooni SIDHU, Neena SINGLA

    Integrating fertility control techniques using steroid hormones after lethal control can help reduce post control rebuildup of rodent populations. The current study is the first to assess the antifertility effects of quinestrol in male lesser bandicoot rat, Bandicota bengalensis which is the predominant rodent pest species in Southeast Asia. Rats in different groups were fed bait containing 0.00%, 0.01%, 0.02%, and 0.03% quinestrol for 10 days in laboratory and evaluated immediately, and 15, 30, and 60 days after treatment discontinuation for effect on reproduction and other antifertility parameters. Effect of 0.03% quinestrol treatment for 15 days was also observed in managing rodent populations in groundnut crop fields. Treatment resulted in average consumption of 19.53 ± 1.80, 67.63 ± 5.50, and 246.67 ± 1.78 mg/kg bwt active ingredient by three treated groups of rats, respectively. No reproduction was observed in female rats mated with male rats treated with 0.03% quinestrol, even 30 days after cessation of treatment. Post-mortem examination showed a significant (P < 0.0001) effect of treatment on organ weights (testis, cauda epididymis, seminal vesicles, and prostate gland) and different sperm parameters (sperm motility, sperm viability, sperm count, and sperm abnormality) in the cauda epididymal fluid with partial reversibility after 60 days. A significant (P < 0.0001) effect of quinestrol on the histomorphology of testis and cauda epididymis was observed, suggesting its effect on spermatogenesis. Affected cell association and cell count in seminiferous tubules did not fully recover within 60 days of stopping treatment. Evaluation of the effects of quinestrol treatment in groundnut fields showed greater reductions in rodent activity in fields treated with 2% zinc phosphide followed by 0.03% quinestrol treatment as compared to fields treated with 2% zinc phosphide alone. Research concludes that quinestrol has the potential to reduce fecundity and post control rebuildup of B. bengalensis populations, but long-term studies of the effectiveness of quinestrol under large-scale field conditions are needed to use it as part of an integrated pest control program for rodents.

    Jing LIU, Feiyun TU, Ming LIU, Jichao WANG, Zhibin ZHANG

    Pest rodents pose a serious threat to island biodiversity. Fertility control could be an alternative approach to control the impact of rodents on these islands. In this study, we examined the antifertility effects of EP-1 baits containing quinestrol (E) and levonorgestrel (P) using a dose of 50 ppm E and P at three different ratios (E:P ratio = 1:2, 1:1, and 2:1) on Pacific rats (Rattus exulans) in the Xisha Islands, Hainan, China. Compared to the control group, all animals in EP-1 treatment groups showed significantly decreased food intake and body weight. In treated males, there were obvious abnormalities in testis structure and a significant decrease of relative seminal vesicle weight, but no significant effect on relative uterine and ovarian weights (g kg−1 body weight), or ovarian structure in females. Adding 8% sucrose to the original 50-ppm baits (E:P ratio = 1:1) significantly increased bait palatability for males and females. This dose induced uterine edema and abnormalities of ovarian structure in females but had no significant negative effect on the relative testis, epididymis, and seminal vesicle weights (g kg−1 body weight) or sperm density in males. In summary, 50-ppm EP-1 (1:1) baits have the potential to disrupt the fertility of females, and 8% sucrose addition to the EP-1 baits (E:P ratio = 1:1) could improve bait palatability. This dose disrupted the testis structure in males. Future studies are needed to improve bait acceptance and assess the antifertility effects of EP-1 (1:1) on Pacific rats in captive breeding trials and under field conditions.

    Katharina SCHRAMM, Michele SKOPEC, Denise DEARING

    Herbivory is common in mammals, yet our understanding of detoxification processes used by mammals to biotransform plant secondary compounds (PSCs) is limited. Specialist herbivores are thought to have evolved detoxification mechanisms that rely more heavily on energetically cheap Phase I biotransformation reactions to process high levels of PSCs in their diets. We explored this hypothesis by comparing the urinary metabolite patterns of two specialist herbivores (genus Neotoma). Neotoma stephensi is an obligate specialist on one-seeded juniper (Juniperus monosperma). Neotoma lepida is a generalist forager across its range, yet populations in the Great Basin specialize on Utah juniper (J. osteosperma). While both juniper species have high levels of terpenes, the terpene profiles and quantities differ between the two. Individuals from both woodrat species were fed diets of each juniper in a cross-over design. Urine, collected over a 24-h period, was extracted and analyzed in an untargeted metabolomics approach using both GC-MS and HPLC-MS/MS. The obligate specialist N. stephensi excreted a unique pattern of Phase I metabolites when fed its native juniper, while N. lepida excreted a unique pattern of Phase II metabolites when fed its native juniper. Both woodrat species utilized the Phase II metabolic pathway of glucuronidation more heavily when consuming the more chemically diverse J. osteosperma, and N. stephensi utilized less glucuronidation than N. lepida when consuming J. monosperma. These results are consistent with the hypothesis that obligate specialists may have evolved unique and efficient biotransformation mechanisms for dealing with PSCs in their diet.

    Ming LIU, Xinrong WAN, Wei LIU, Xingan MA, Zhibin ZHANG

    Rodent pests not only cause severe agricultural loss but also spread zoonotic pathogens to human beings. Anticoagulant rodenticides are widely used to decrease the population densities of rodents but often lead to the spillover of ectoparasites because fleas and ticks may gather on surviving rodents. Therefore, it is necessary to kill fleas and ticks before culling rodents to minimize the risk of pathogen transmission. In this study, we used a mixture of ivermectin (an antiparasitic drug) and bromadiolone (an anticoagulant rodenticide) to control both rodent and flea/tick abundances. We found that in a laboratory test, 0.01% ivermectin bait was not lethal for greater long-tailed hamsters after 7 days of treatment, while 0.1% ivermectin bait was lethal for approximately 33% of treated rodents. In a field test, bait containing 0.001%, 0.005%, 0.01%, and 0.05% ivermectin decreased the number of fleas per vole of Brandt's voles to 0.42, 0.22, 0.12, and 0.2, respectively, compared with 0.77 in the control group, indicating that 0.01% ivermectin bait performed best in removing fleas. In another laboratory test, bait containing a 0.01% ivermectin and 0.005% bromadiolone mixture caused the death of all voles within 6–14 days after the intake of the bait. In the field test, the bait containing 0.01% ivermectin and 0.005% bromadiolone reduced the average number of fleas per vole to 0.35, which was significantly lower than the 0.77 of the control group. Our results indicate that a 0.01% ivermectin and 0.005% bromadiolone mixture could be used to control both rodents and fleas to minimize the spillover risk of disease transmission when using traditional rodenticides.

    Peter J. TAYLOR, Aluwani NENGOVHELA, Christiane DENYS, Graham R. SCOTT, Catherine M. IVY

    Morphometric studies of 3D micro CT-scanned images can provide insights into the evolution of the brain and sensory structures but such data are still scarce for the most diverse mammalian order of rodents. From reviewed and new data, we tested for convergence to extreme aridity and high elevation in the sensory and brain morphology of rodents, from morphometric data from micro-CT X-ray scans of 174 crania of 16 species of three distantly related African murid (soft-furred mice, Praomyini, laminate-toothed rats, Otomyini, and gerbils, Gerbillinae) clades and one North American cricetid (deer mice and white-footed mice, Peromyscus) clade. Recent studies demonstrated convergent evolution acting on the oval window area of the cochlea (enlarged in extremely arid-adapted species of Otomyini and Gerbillinae) and on endocranial volume (reduced in high elevation taxa of Otomyini and Peromyscus). However, contrary to our predictions, we did not find evidence of convergence in brain structure to aridity, or in the olfactory/respiratory system (turbinate bones) to high elevation. Brain structure differed, particularly in the petrosal lobules of the cerebellum and the olfactory bulbs, between Otomyini and Gerbillinae, with extreme arid-adapted species in each clade being highly divergent (not convergent) from other species in the same clade. We observed greater “packing” of the maxillary turbinate bones, which have important respiratory functions, in Peromyscus mice from high and low elevations compared to the high-elevation African Praomyini, but more complex patterns within Peromyscus, probably related to trade-offs in respiratory physiology and heat exchange in the nasal epithelium associated with high-elevation adaptation.