Rotary vibrating machine-based washing and sieving method for soil classification
Shengnan MA, Wendal Victor YUE, Zhongqi Quentin YUE
Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (12) : 1865-1887.
Rotary vibrating machine-based washing and sieving method for soil classification
This study develops a machine-based washing and sieving method to accurately determine the soil particle size distribution for classification. This machine-based method is an extension of the recently developed and invented manual-based extended wet sieving method. It revises and upgrades a conventional rotary vibrating sieve machine with a steel sieve of aperture 0.063 mm and ten cloth sieves of apertures from 0.048 to 0.0008 mm for washing and sieving silt and clay. The machine generates three-dimensional motion and vibration, which allows particles smaller than the sieve aperture to pass through the sieve quickly. A common soil in Hong Kong, China, named completely decomposed tuff soil is used as test material for illustration. The silt and clay mixtures are successfully separated into many sub-groups of silt particles and clay particles from 0.063 to less than 0.0008 mm. The test results of the machine-based method are examined in detail and also compared with the manual-based method. The results demonstrate that the machine-based method can shorten the sieving duration and maintain high accuracy. The particle sizes of separated silt and clay particles are further examined with scanning electron microscopic images. The results further demonstrate that the machine-based method can accurately separate the particles of silt and clay with the pre-selected sieve sizes. This paper introduces a new machine-based washing and sieving method, and verifies the efficiency of the machine-based method, the accuracy of particle size, and its applicability to the classification of different types of soil.
particle size / rotary vibrating sieve machine / cloth sieve / washing and sieving / silt / clay
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