Research on concrete structure defect repair based on three-dimensional printing
Yang GU, Wei LI, Xupeng YAO, Guangjun LIU
Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2024, Vol. 18 ›› Issue (5) : 731-742.
Research on concrete structure defect repair based on three-dimensional printing
Quality assurance and maintenance play a crucial role in engineering construction, as they have a significant impact on project safety. One common issue in concrete structures is the presence of defects. To enhance the automation level of concrete defect repairs, this study proposes a computer vision-based robotic system, which is based on three-dimensional (3D) printing technology to repair defects. This system integrates multiple sensors such as light detection and ranging (LiDAR) and camera. LiDAR is utilized to model concrete pipelines and obtain geometric parameters regarding their appearance. Additionally, a convolutional neural network (CNN) is employed with a depth camera to locate defects in concrete structures. Furthermore, a method for coordinate transformation is presented to convert the obtained coordinates into executable ones for a robotic arm. Finally, the feasibility of this concrete defect repair method is validated through simulation and experiments.
concrete / defect detection / 3D printing / deep learning / point cloud data
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