Acoustic emission characteristics of damage evolution of multi-scale fiber reinforced rubberized concrete under uniaxial compression and tension after being subjected to high temperatures
Shaoqi ZHANG, Yao ZHANG, Qianru LEI, Yumeng YANG, Yichao WANG, Fei XU, Zhiguo YAN, Hehua ZHU
Acoustic emission characteristics of damage evolution of multi-scale fiber reinforced rubberized concrete under uniaxial compression and tension after being subjected to high temperatures
Recently developed multi-scale fiber (i.e., CaCO3 whisker, polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) fiber, and steel fiber) reinforced rubberized concrete exhibits excellent mechanical properties and spalling resistance at high temperatures. Measurement of macro properties such as strength and Young’s modulus cannot reveal and characterize damage mechanisms, particularly those relating to the multi-scale fiber strengthening effect. In this study, acoustic emission (AE) technology is applied to investigate the impact of multi-scale fiber on the damage evolution of rubberized concrete exposed to high temperatures, under the uniaxial compression and tension loading processes. The mechanical properties, AE event location, peak frequency, b-value, the ratio of rise time to amplitude (RA), average frequency (AF) values, and AE energy of specimens are investigated. The results show that the number of events observed using AE gradually increases as the loading progresses. The crumb rubber and fibers inhibit the generation and development of the cracks. It is concluded that both the peak frequency and b-value reflect the extension process of cracks. As the cracks develop from the micro scale to the macro scale, the peak frequency tends to be distributed in a lower frequency range, and the b-value decreases gradually. At the peak stress point, the AE energy increases rapidly and the b-value decreases. The specimens without multi-scale fibers exhibit brittle failure, while the specimens with fibers exhibit ductile failure. In addition, adding multi-scale fibers and crumb rubber increases the peak frequency in the medium and high frequency ranges, indicating a positive effect on inhibiting crack development. After being subjected to high temperatures, the maximum and minimum b-values decrease, reflecting an increase in the number of initial cracks due to thermal damage. Meanwhile, the RA and AF values are used to classify tensile and shear cracks. The specimens fracture with more shear cracks under compression, and there are more tensile cracks in specimens with multi-scale fibers under tension.
multi-scale fibers / acoustic emission / fracture / damage evolution / rubberized concrete
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