Clogging of slurry-shield tunnel-boring machine drives in sedimentary soft rock: A case study
Chengyong CAO, Xiangsheng CHEN, Chenghua SHI, Yanbin FU, Chenjie GONG, Zuxian WANG
Clogging of slurry-shield tunnel-boring machine drives in sedimentary soft rock: A case study
This paper presents a case study of the clogging of a slurry-shield tunnel-boring machine (TBM) experienced during tunnel operations in clay-rich argillaceous siltstones under the Ganjiang River, China. The clogging experienced during tunneling was due to special geological conditions, which had a considerably negative impact on the slurry-shield TBM tunneling performance. In this case study, the effect of clogging on the slurry-shield TBM tunneling performance (e.g., advance speed, thrust, torque, and penetration per revolution) was fully investigated. The potential for clogging during tunnel operations in argillaceous siltstone was estimated using an existing empirical classification chart. Many improvement measures have been proposed to mitigate the clogging potential of two slurry-shield TBMs during tunneling, such as the use of an optimum cutting wheel, a replacement cutting tool, improvements to the circulation flushing system and slurry properties, mixed support integrating slurry, and compressed air to support the excavation face. The mechanisms and potential causes of clogging are explained in detail, and the contributions of these mitigation measures to tunneling performance are discussed. By investigating the actual operational parameters of the slurry-shield TBMs, these mitigation measures were proven to be effective in mitigating the clogging potential of slurry-shield TBMs. This case study provides valuable information for slurry-shield TBMs involving tunneling in clay-rich sedimentary rocks.
slurry-shield TBM / geological investigation / clogging / argillaceous siltstone / TBM performance / mitigation measures
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