Displacement and force analyses of piles in the pile-caisson composite structure under eccentric inclined loading considering different stratum features
Xiaoqing ZHAO, Jinchang WANG, Panpan GUO, Xiaonan GONG, Yongle DUAN
Displacement and force analyses of piles in the pile-caisson composite structure under eccentric inclined loading considering different stratum features
A novel anchorage for long-span suspension bridges, called pile-caisson composite structures, was recently proposed by the authors in an attempt to reduce the construction period and costs. This study aims to investigate the displacement and force behavior of piles in a pile-caisson composite structure under eccentric inclined loading considering different stratum features. To this end, both 1g model tests and three-dimensional numerical simulations were performed. Two groups of 1g model tests were used to validate the finite-element (FE) method. Parametric studies were then performed to investigate the effects of groundwater level, burial depth of the pile-caisson composite structure, and distribution of soil layers on the performance of the pile-caisson composite structure. The numerical analyses indicated that the influence of the groundwater level on the stability of the caisson was much greater than that of the piles. In addition, increasing the burial depth of the pile-caisson composite structure can assist in reducing the displacements and improving the stability of the pile-caisson composite structure. In addition, the distribution of soil layers can significantly affect the stability of the pile-caisson composite structure, especially the soil layer around the caisson.
composite structure / piles / foundation / suspension bridge / 1g model test / finite-element analysis
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