A simplified method for investigating the bending behavior of piles supporting embankments on soft ground
Yu DIAO, Yuhao GUO, Zhenyang JIA, Gang ZHENG, Weiqiang PAN, Dongfan SHANG, Ying ZHANG
A simplified method for investigating the bending behavior of piles supporting embankments on soft ground
In recent years, concrete and reinforced concrete piles have been widely used to stabilize soft ground under embankments. Previous research has shown that bending failure, particularly during rapid filling on soft ground, is the critical failure mode for pile-supported embankments. Here, we propose an efficient two-stage method that combines a test-verified soil deformation mechanism and Poulos’ solution for pile–soil interaction to investigate the bending behavior of piles supporting embankments on soft ground. The results reveal that there are three possible bending failure scenarios for such piles: at the interface between the soft and firm ground layers, at mid-depths of the fan zone, and at the boundary of the soil deformation mechanism. The location of the bending failure depends on the position and relative stiffness of the given pile. Furthermore, the effect of embedding a pile into a firm ground layer on the bending behavior was investigated. When the embedded length of a pile exceeded a critical value, the bending moment at the interface between the soft and firm ground layers reached a limiting value. In addition, floating piles that are not embedded exhibit an overturning pattern of movement in the soft ground layer, and a potential failure is located in the upper part of these piles.
bending behavior / pile / embankment / soil−structure interaction / failure mode
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