Seismic performance of HWBBF considering different design methods and structural heights

Yulong FENG, Zhi ZHANG, Zuanfeng PAN

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (12) : 1849-1870. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-023-0020-z

Seismic performance of HWBBF considering different design methods and structural heights

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Previous research has shown that using buckling-restrained braces (BRBs) at hinged wall (HW) base (HWBB) can effectively mitigate lateral deformation of steel moment-resisting frames (MRFs) in earthquakes. Force-based and displacement-based design methods have been proposed to design HWBB to strengthen steel MRF and this paper comprehensively compares these two design methods, in terms of design steps, advantages/disadvantages, and structure responses. In addition, this paper investigates the building height below which the HW seismic moment demand can be properly controlled. First, 3-story, 9-story, and 20-story steel MRFs in the SAC project are used as benchmark steel MRFs. Secondly, HWs and HWBBs are designed to strengthen the benchmark steel MRFs using force-based and displacement-based methods, called HWFs and HWBBFs, respectively. Thirdly, nonlinear time history analyses are conducted to compare the structural responses of the MRFs, HWBBFs and HWFs in earthquakes. The results show the following. 1) HW seismic force demands increase as structural height increases, which may lead to uneconomical HW design. The HW seismic moment demand can be properly controlled when the building is lower than nine stories. 2) The displacement-based design method is recommended due to the benefit of identifying unfeasible component dimensions during the design process, as well as better achieving the design target displacement.

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hinged wall / moment-resisting frame / seismic design / displacement-based design / nonlinear time-history analysis

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Yulong FENG, Zhi ZHANG, Zuanfeng PAN. Seismic performance of HWBBF considering different design methods and structural heights. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2023, 17(12): 1849‒1870


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MRFs represent MRF-3, MRF-9, and MRF-20
MRF-3 represent 3-story moment resisting frames, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story
HWFs represent HWF-3, HWF-9, and HWF-20
HWF-3 represent 3-story hinged wall (without BRBs at hinged wall base) strengthened moment resisting frames, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story
HWBB-3 represent HWBB (hinged wall with BRBs at base) used for 3-story structure using both force based design and displacement based design, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story structures
HWBBF-FBs represent HWBBF-FB-3, HWBBF-FB-9, and HWBBF-FB-20
HWBBF-FB-3 represent 3-story HWBB strengthened moment resisting frames using the force based design method, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story
HWBBF-DBs represent HWBBF-DB-3, HWBBF-DB-9, and HWBBF-DB-20
HWBBF-DB-3 represent 3-story HWBB strengthened moment resisting frames using the displacement based design method, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story
HWBB-FBs represent HWBB-FB-3, HWBB-FB-9, and HWBB-FB-20
HWBB-FB-3 represent 3-story HWBB designed using the force based design method, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story
HWBB-DBs represent HWBB-DB-3, HWBB-DB-9, and HWBB-DB-20
HWBB-DB-3 represent 3-story HWBB designed using the displacement based design method, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story
HWBBF-3 represent HWBBF-FB-3 and HWBBF-DB-3, also applicable to 9-story and 20-story structures


The research was financially supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 51708166), and the Natural Science Foundation of Anhui Province (No. 2208085ME150).

Conflict of Interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.


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