Numerical analysis of bearing behaviors of single batter piles under horizontal loads in various directions
Shuang ZHAO, Kuihua WANG, Yuan TU, Weiqiu CHEN, Juntao WU
Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2023, Vol. 17 ›› Issue (2) : 224-237.
Numerical analysis of bearing behaviors of single batter piles under horizontal loads in various directions
The horizontal bearing behavior of a single batter pile (SBP) is vital to its application in practical engineering; however, the horizontal responses of SBPs change with the directions of horizontal loads, and this phenomenon is rarely investigated. Therefore, the directional differences in the horizontal bearing behaviors of SBPs are investigated in this study. Four model tests are conducted to preliminarily examine the effects of the skew angle of horizontal loads on the horizontal bearing capacities and distributions of the bending moments of the SBPs. Subsequently, the differences in the responses of the SBPs under horizontal loads in various directions at full scale are analyzed comprehensively via finite-element (FE) analysis. The effects of the skew angle on SBP-soil interaction are discussed. Moreover, an empirical design method is proposed based on the FE analysis results to predict the bearing ratios of SBPs in medium-dense and dense sand while considering the effects of the skew angle, batter angle, and pile diameter. The method is confirmed to be effective, as confirmed by the close agreement between the predicting results with the model test (reported in this study) and centrifuge model test results (reported in the literature).
single batter pile / skew horizontal load / model test / finite-element analysis / empirical design method
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