Optimal design of double-layer barrel vaults using genetic and pattern search algorithms and optimized neural network as surrogate model
Optimal design of double-layer barrel vaults using genetic and pattern search algorithms and optimized neural network as surrogate model
This paper presents a combined method based on optimized neural networks and optimization algorithms to solve structural optimization problems. The main idea is to utilize an optimized artificial neural network (OANN) as a surrogate model to reduce the number of computations for structural analysis. First, the OANN is trained appropriately. Subsequently, the main optimization problem is solved using the OANN and a population-based algorithm. The algorithms considered in this step are the arithmetic optimization algorithm (AOA) and genetic algorithm (GA). Finally, the abovementioned problem is solved using the optimal point obtained from the previous step and the pattern search (PS) algorithm. To evaluate the performance of the proposed method, two numerical examples are considered. In the first example, the performance of two algorithms, OANN + AOA + PS and OANN + GA + PS, is investigated. Using the GA reduces the elapsed time by approximately 50% compared with using the AOA. Results show that both the OANN + GA + PS and OANN + AOA + PS algorithms perform well in solving structural optimization problems and achieve the same optimal design. However, the OANN + GA + PS algorithm requires significantly fewer function evaluations to achieve the same accuracy as the OANN + AOA + PS algorithm.
optimization / surrogate models / artificial neural network / SAP2000 / genetic algorithm
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