Response of basement wall in tall buildings foundation under lateral loading
Irfan JAMIL, Irshad AHMAD, Aqeel Ur REHMAN, Aqib AHMED, Ameer HAMZA, Wali ULLAH
Response of basement wall in tall buildings foundation under lateral loading
With increasing population and limitation of availability of land, tall buildings supported on piled raft foundations are increasingly used in the modern world. To increase the ratio of floor area to height, and to fulfill storage and parking facilities requirements, these tall buildings usually have more than one basement level. Conventionally, during the foundation design, engineers have not considered the basement wall contribution to resisting lateral load induced by earthquake or wind and this can result in an uneconomical construction of foundations. In this research work, an experimental study was performed on small-scale models, in order to study basement wall contribution, and the raft contribution including for piled raft foundations, to resisting lateral load. Three configurations of piles in 2 × 2, 2 × 3, and 3 × 3 patterns were tested as a pile group, piled raft and piled raft with a basement wall. Results show that when a basement wall is present, the lateral displacement decreases and the demand on each pile decreases. The piled raft design can become more economical for tall buildings if the basement’s walls are taken into account.
basement wall / lateral load / displacement / piled raft
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