Quality evaluation of lightweight cellular concrete by an ultrasound-based method
Xin LIU, Dongning SUN, Jinhe LIAO, Zhiwei SHAO, Yunqiang SHI, Siqing ZHANG, Yunlong YAO, Baoning HONG
Quality evaluation of lightweight cellular concrete by an ultrasound-based method
The accuracy of subgrade quality evaluation is important for road safety assessment. Since there is little research work devoted to testing lightweight cellular concrete (LCC) by an ultrasound-based method, the quantitative relation between ultrasonic testing results and the quality of LCC subgrade is not well understood. In this paper, the quality of LCC subgrade was evaluated with respect to compressive strength and crack discrimination. The relation between ultrasonic testing results and LCC quality was explored through indoor tests. Based on the quantitative relation between ultrasonic pulse velocity and compressive strength of LCC, a fitting formula was established. Moreover, after the LCC became cracked, the ultrasonic pulse velocity and ultrasonic pulse amplitude decreased. After determining the lower limiting values of the ultrasonic pulse velocity and ultrasonic pulse amplitude through the statistical data, it could be calculated whether there were cracks in LCC subgrade. The ultrasonic testing results showed that the compressive strength of the LCC subgrade was suitable for purpose and there was no crack in the subgrade. Then core samples were taken from the subgrade. Comparisons between ultrasonic testing results of subgrade and test results of core samples demonstrated a good agreement.
lightweight cellular concrete / subgrade / ultrasound testing / quality evaluation / crack discrimination
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