Effect of fineness of ash on pozzolanic properties and acid resistance of sugarcane bagasse ash replaced cement mortars
Shan E ALI, Rizwan AZAM, Muhammad Rizwan RIAZ, Mohamed ZAWAM
Effect of fineness of ash on pozzolanic properties and acid resistance of sugarcane bagasse ash replaced cement mortars
This paper addresses the potential use of Sugar Cane Bagasse Ash (SCBA) as a pozzolanic material for partial cement replacement in concrete mixtures. Cement mortars containing SCBA having five different particle size distributions at a replacement rate of 20% by weight were used to study the chemical and physical pozzolanic properties of SCBA. The durability of SCBA replaced mortars was also evaluated. SCBA with 0% retained on sieve No. 325 was used to replace 20% by weight of cement and create mortar specimens that were subjected to sulfuric acid attack of varying concentrations (1%−3% by weight of water). The tested samples were observed to check visual distortion, mass loss, and compressive strength loss at 1, 7, 14, 28, and 56 d of acidic exposure, and the results were compared to those for the control sample, that was lime water cured, at the same ages. The SCBA sets were found to meet the requirements for pozzolan class N specified by ASTM C 618. Mortars containing SCBA with 0% or 15% retention produced better compressive strength than the control mortars after 28 d. Additionally, X-ray fluorescence and X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the SCBA had favorable chemical properties for a pozzolanic material. Furthermore, SCBA replaced samples at all ages showed improved resistance against acidic attack relative to that of the control mortars. Maximum deterioration was seen for 3% concentrated solution. This study’s findings demonstrated that SCBA with an appropriate fineness could be used as a pozzolanic material, consistently with ASTM C 618.
durability / cement replacement / sugarcane bagasse ash / fineness of ash / pozzolanic properties / mortar acid resistance
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