Shape optimization of aluminium alloy spherical reticulated shells considering nonlinearities
Wei LIU, Lishu XU, Shaojun ZHU, Lijuan LI, Feng LIU, Zhe XIONG
Shape optimization of aluminium alloy spherical reticulated shells considering nonlinearities
This study proposes a shape optimization method for K6 aluminum alloy spherical reticulated shells with gusset joints, considering geometric, material, and joint stiffness nonlinearities. The optimization procedure adopts a genetic algorithm in which the elastoplastic non-linear buckling load is selected as the objective function to be maximized. By confinement of the adjustment range of the controlling points, optimization results have enabled a path toward achieving a larger elastoplastic non-linear buckling load without changing the macroscopic shape of the structure. A numerical example is provided to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method. In addition, the variation in structural performance during optimization is illustrated. Through parametric analysis, practical design tables containing the parameters of the optimized shape are obtained for aluminum alloy spherical shells with common geometric parameters. To explore the effect of material nonlinearity, the optimal shapes obtained based on considering and not considering material non-linear objective functions, the elastoplastic and elastic non-linear buckling loads, are compared.
shape optimization / aluminum alloy / spherical reticulated shell / non-linear buckling / material nonlinearity / genetic algorithm
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