A multi-objective design method for seismic retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete frames using pin-supported rocking walls
Yue CHEN, Rong XU, Hao WU, Tao SHENG
A multi-objective design method for seismic retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete frames using pin-supported rocking walls
Over the past several decades, a variety of technical ways have been developed in seismic retrofitting of existing reinforced concrete frames (RFs). Among them, pin-supported rocking walls (PWs) have received much attentions to researchers recently. However, it is still a challenge that how to determine the stiffness demand of PWs and assign the value of the drift concentration factor (DCF) for entire systems rationally and efficiently. In this paper, a design method has been exploited for seismic retrofitting of existing RFs using PWs (RF-PWs) via a multi-objective evolutionary algorithm. Then, the method has been investigated and verified through a practical project. Finally, a parametric analysis was executed to exhibit the strengths and working mechanism of the multi-objective design method. To sum up, the findings of this investigation show that the method furnished in this paper is feasible, functional and can provide adequate information for determining the stiffness demand and the value of the DCFfor PWs. Furthermore, it can be applied for the preliminary design of these kinds of structures.
pin-supported rocking wall / reinforced concrete frame / seismic retrofit / stiffness demand / drift concentration factor / multi-objective design / genetic algorithm / Pareto optimal solution
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