Compressive and cyclic flexural response of double-hooked-end steel fiber reinforced concrete

Demewoz W. MENNA, Aikaterini S. GENIKOMSOU, Mark F. GREEN

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (9) : 1104-1126. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-022-0845-x

Compressive and cyclic flexural response of double-hooked-end steel fiber reinforced concrete

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Recent developments on high-performance double-hooked-end steel fibers have enhanced the wide applications of steel fiber reinforced concrete (SFRC). This study presents the compressive properties and the cyclic flexural performance of the SFRC that were experimentally examined. Three different double-hooked-end steel fibers at 0.25%, 0.5%, 0.75%, and 1% volume fractions were considered. All fiber types had similar length to diameter ratios, while the first two fiber types had similar anchorage mechanisms (4D) and tensile strength and the third type had different anchorage mechanism (5D) and a higher tensile strength. The increased volumetric ratio of the fibers increased the post-peak compressive strain (ductility), the tensile strength, and the cyclic flexural strength and cumulative energy dissipation characteristics of the SFRC. Among the 4D fibers, the mixtures with the larger steel fibers showed higher flexural strength and more energy dissipation compared to the SFRCs with smaller size fibers. For 1% steel fiber dosage, 4D and 5D specimens showed similar cyclic flexural responses. Finally, a 3D finite element model that can predict the monotonic and cyclic flexural responses of the double-hooked-end SFRC was developed. The calibration process considered the results obtained from the inverse analysis to determine the tensile behavior of the SFRC.

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steel fiber reinforced concrete / fiber geometry / cyclic loading / energy dissipation / finite element modeling / inverse analysis

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Demewoz W. MENNA, Aikaterini S. GENIKOMSOU, Mark F. GREEN. Compressive and cyclic flexural response of double-hooked-end steel fiber reinforced concrete. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2022, 16(9): 1104‒1126


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The authors would like to thank the MasterCard Foundation Scholars Program for the financial support provided to the first author.


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