A new systematic firefly algorithm for forecasting the durability of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete

Wafaa Mohamed SHABAN, Khalid ELBAZ, Mohamed AMIN, Ayat gamal ASHOUR

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (3) : 329-346. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-022-0801-9

A new systematic firefly algorithm for forecasting the durability of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete

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This study presents a new systematic algorithm to optimize the durability of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete. The proposed algorithm integrates machine learning with a new version of the firefly algorithm called chaotic based firefly algorithm (CFA) to evolve a rational and efficient predictive model. The CFA optimizer is augmented with chaotic maps and Lévy flight to improve the firefly performance in forecasting the chloride penetrability of strengthened recycled aggregate concrete (RAC). A comprehensive and credible database of distinctive chloride migration coefficient results is used to establish the developed algorithm. A dataset composite of nine effective parameters, including concrete components and fundamental characteristics of recycled aggregate (RA), is used as input to predict the migration coefficient of strengthened RAC as output. k-fold cross validation algorithm is utilized to validate the hybrid algorithm. Three numerical benchmark analyses are applied to prove the superiority and applicability of the CFA algorithm in predicting chloride penetrability. Results show that the developed CFA approach significantly outperforms the firefly algorithm on almost tested functions and demonstrates powerful prediction. In addition, the proposed strategy can be an active tool to recognize the contradictions in the experimental results and can be especially beneficial for assessing the chloride resistance of RAC.

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chloride penetrability / recycled aggregate concrete / machine learning / concrete components / durability

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Wafaa Mohamed SHABAN, Khalid ELBAZ, Mohamed AMIN, Ayat gamal ASHOUR. A new systematic firefly algorithm for forecasting the durability of reinforced recycled aggregate concrete. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2022, 16(3): 329‒346 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11709-022-0801-9


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The research work was funded by “The Pearl River Talent Recruitment project” in 2019 (No. 2019CX01G338), Guangdong Province & Shantou University Research Funding for New Faculty Member (No. NTF19024-2019).


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