Optimal CNN-based semantic segmentation model of cutting slope images

Mansheng LIN, Shuai TENG, Gongfa CHEN, Jianbing LV, Zhongyu HAO

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2022, Vol. 16 ›› Issue (4) : 414-433. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-021-0797-6

Optimal CNN-based semantic segmentation model of cutting slope images

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This paper utilizes three popular semantic segmentation networks, specifically DeepLab v3+, fully convolutional network (FCN), and U-Net to qualitively analyze and identify the key components of cutting slope images in complex scenes and achieve rapid image-based slope detection. The elements of cutting slope images are divided into 7 categories. In order to determine the best algorithm for pixel level classification of cutting slope images, the networks are compared from three aspects: a) different neural networks, b) different feature extractors, and c) 2 different optimization algorithms. It is found that DeepLab v3+ with Resnet18 and Sgdm performs best, FCN 32s with Sgdm takes the second, and U-Net with Adam ranks third. This paper also analyzes the segmentation strategies of the three networks in terms of feature map visualization. Results show that the contour generated by DeepLab v3+ (combined with Resnet18 and Sgdm) is closest to the ground truth, while the resulting contour of U-Net (combined with Adam) is closest to the input images.

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slope damage / image recognition / semantic segmentation / feature map / visualizations

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Mansheng LIN, Shuai TENG, Gongfa CHEN, Jianbing LV, Zhongyu HAO. Optimal CNN-based semantic segmentation model of cutting slope images. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2022, 16(4): 414‒433 https://doi.org/10.1007/s11709-021-0797-6


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See Figs. 20 and 21.

Convergence graphs (loss/accuracy vs number of epoch) on training and validation dataset for the CNN model. TD = training dataset. VD = validation dataset.

Confusion matrix for the classification metric with presented Pixel level classification network models. (a) DeepLab v3+ (Resnet18 Sgdm); (b) DeepLab v3+ (Resnet18 Adam); (c) DeepLab v3+ (Resnet50 Sdgm); (d) DeepLab v3+ (Resnet50 Adam); (e) FCN 32s (Sgdm); (f) FCN 32s (Adam); (g) U-Net (Sdgm); (h) U-Net (Adam).


The authors would like to express their sincere gratitude to Yang HE, Wei DENG, Ronghao ZHANG, from the Guangdong University of Technology, for labeling the image data.


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