Theoretical study on the confine-stiffening effect and fractal cracking of square concrete filled steel tubes in tension loads
Meng ZHOU, Jiaji WANG, Jianguo NIE, Qingrui YUE
Theoretical study on the confine-stiffening effect and fractal cracking of square concrete filled steel tubes in tension loads
Tension stress in steel-concrete composite is widely observed in engineering design. Based on an experimental program on tension performance of three square concrete-filled tubes (SCFT), the tension theory of SCFT is proposed using a mechanics-based approach. The tension stiffening effect, the confining strengthening effect and the confining stiffening effect, observed in tests of SCFTs are included in the developed tension theory model. Subsequently, simplified constitutive models of steel and concrete are proposed for the axial tension performance of SCFT. Based on the MSC.MARC software, a special fiber beam-column element is proposed to include the confining effect of SCFTs under tension and verified. The proposed analytical theory, effective formulas, and equivalent constitutive laws are extensively verified against three available tests reported in the literature on both global level (e.g., load-displacement curves) and strain level. The experimental verification proves the accuracy of the proposed theory and formulations in simulating the performance of SCFT members under tension with the capability to accurately predict the tensile strength and stiffness enhancements and realistically simulate the fractal cracking phenomenon.
square concrete filled tubes / confine-stiffening / confine-strengthening / fractal cracking / fracture
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