Interaction behavior and load sharing pattern of piled raft using nonlinear regression and LM algorithm-based artificial neural network
Plaban DEB, Sujit Kumar PAL
Interaction behavior and load sharing pattern of piled raft using nonlinear regression and LM algorithm-based artificial neural network
In the recent era, piled raft foundation (PRF) has been considered an emergent technology for offshore and onshore structures. In previous studies, there is a lack of illustration regarding the load sharing and interaction behavior which are considered the main intents in the present study. Finite element (FE) models are prepared with various design variables in a double-layer soil system, and the load sharing and interaction factors of piled rafts are estimated. The obtained results are then checked statistically with nonlinear multiple regression (NMR) and artificial neural network (ANN) modeling, and some prediction models are proposed. ANN models are prepared with Levenberg–Marquardt (LM) algorithm for load sharing and interaction factors through backpropagation technique. The factor of safety (FS) of PRF is also estimated using the proposed NMR and ANN models, which can be used for developing the design strategy of PRF.
interaction / load sharing ratio / piled raft / nonlinear regression / artificial neural network
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