Self-centring segmental retaining walls—A new construction system for retaining walls

Mehdi JAVADI, Reza HASSANLI, Md Mizanur RAHMAN, Md Rajibul KARIM

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2021, Vol. 15 ›› Issue (4) : 980-1000. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-021-0737-5

Self-centring segmental retaining walls—A new construction system for retaining walls

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This paper reports on an experimental study on a new self-centring retaining wall system. Four post-tensioned segmental retaining walls (PSRWs) were experimentally tested. Each of the walls was constructed using seven T-shaped concrete segments with a dry stack. The walls were tested under incrementally increasing cyclic lateral load. The effect of the wall height, levels of post-tensioning (PT) force, and bonded versus unbonded condition of PT reinforcement on the structural behavior of the PSRWs was investigated. The results showed that such PSRWs are structurally adequate for water retaining structures. According to the results, increasing the wall height decreases initial strength but increases the deformation capacity of the wall. The larger deformation capacity and ductility of PSRW make it a suitable structural system for fluctuating loads or deformation, e.g., seawall. It was also found that increasing the PT force increases the wall’s stiffness; however, reduces its ductility. The residual drift and the extent of damage of the unbonded PSRWs were significantly smaller than those of the bonded ones. Results suggest that this newly developed self-centring retaining wall can be a suitable structural system to retain lateral loads. Due to its unique deformation capacity and self-centring behavior, it can potentially be used for seawall application.

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retaining wall / segmental / precast concrete / unbonded post-tensioning / water retaining wall / seawall

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Mehdi JAVADI, Reza HASSANLI, Md Mizanur RAHMAN, Md Rajibul KARIM. Self-centring segmental retaining walls—A new construction system for retaining walls. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2021, 15(4): 980‒1000


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The authors gratefully acknowledge the support of this experimental work by the University of South Australia. Special thanks to T. Golding, R. Muscher, M. Plew, C. Sweetman and H. Senko and the technical support staff from the Concrete Laboratory at the University of South Australia, for their dedication and assistance before and during the tests.


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