Concrete corrosion in wastewater systems: Prediction and sensitivity analysis using advanced extreme learning machine
Concrete corrosion in wastewater systems: Prediction and sensitivity analysis using advanced extreme learning machine
The implementation of novel machine learning models can contribute remarkably to simulating the degradation of concrete due to environmental factors. This study considers the sulfuric acid corrosive factor in wastewater systems to simulate concrete mass loss using five machine learning models. The models include three different types of extreme learning machines, including the standard, online sequential, and kernel extreme learning machines, in addition to the artificial neural network, classification and regression tree model, and statistical multiple linear regression model. The reported values of concrete mass loss for six different types of concrete are the target values of the machine learning models. The input variability was assessed based on two scenarios prior to the application of the predictive models. For the first assessment, the machine learning models were developed using all the available cement and concrete mixture input variables; the second assessment was conducted based on the gamma test approach, which is a sensitivity analysis technique. Subsequently, the sensitivity analysis of the most effective parameters for concrete corrosion was tested using three different approaches. The adopted methodology attained optimistic and reliable modeling results. The online sequential extreme learning machine model demonstrated superior performance over the other investigated models in predicting the concrete mass loss of different types of concrete.
sewer systems / environmental engineering / data-driven methods / sensitivity analysis
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