Effect of eccentricity in reinforced concrete beam-column-slab connection under cyclic loading
Rooh ULLAH, Amjad NASEER, Muhammad FAHIM, Mohammad ASHRAF, Eid BADSHAH
Effect of eccentricity in reinforced concrete beam-column-slab connection under cyclic loading
Beam–column connections are one of the most critical elements of reinforced concrete structures, especially in seismically active regions, and have been extensively evaluated experimentally and numerically. However, very limited experimental studies about eccentric reinforced concrete connections including the effect of connected slabs are available. This study presents the experimental results of two half-scale eccentric beam-column-slab connections subjected to quasi-static cyclic loading. The horizontal eccentricity (eh) is maintained at 12.5% and 25% of column width (bc) for specimens 1 and 2, respectively. The damage pattern, performance levels, displacement ductility (μD), energy dissipation, and connection strength and stiffness are compared for both specimens, and the effect of eccentricity is evaluated. It is concluded that the eccentricity has no significant effect on the lateral load carrying capacity; however, the overall strength degradation increases with the increase in eccentricity. Similarly, the elastic stiffness of specimen 2 decreased by 14% as the eccentricity increased from 12.5% to 25%; however, the eccentricity had no significant effect on the overall stiffness degradation. μD decreased by 43%, and the energy dissipation capacity decreased by 40% in specimen 2 with higher eccentricity. The story drifts corresponding to the performance levels of the life safety (LS) and collapse prevention (CP) were found to be 28% lesser in specimen 2 than in specimen 1.
corner connection / eccentricity / strength degradation / stiffness degradation / energy dissipation / performance levels
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