Influence of site conditions on seismic design parameters for foundations as determined via nonlinear site response analysis
Muhammad Tariq A. CHAUDHARY
Influence of site conditions on seismic design parameters for foundations as determined via nonlinear site response analysis
Site conditions, including geotechnical properties and the geological setting, influence the near-surface response of strata subjected to seismic excitation. The geotechnical parameters required for the design of foundations include mass density (ρ), damping ratio (βs), shear wave velocity (Vs), and soil shear modulus (Gs). The values of the last three parameters are sensitive to the level of nonlinear strain induced in the strata due to seismic ground motion. In this study, the effect of variations in soil properties, such as plasticity index (PI), effective stress (σ′), over consolidation ratio (OCR), impedance contrast ratio (ICR) between the bedrock and the overlying strata, and depth of soil strata over bedrock (H), on seismic design parameters (βs, Vs, and Gs) was investigated for National Earthquake Hazards Reduction Program (NEHRP) site classes C and D, through 1D nonlinear seismic site response analysis. The Morris one-at-a-time (OAT) sensitivity analysis indicated that βs, Vs, and Gs were significantly influenced by variations in PI, while ICR affected βs more than it affected Vs and Gs. However, the influence of H on these parameters was less significant. It was also found that variations in soil properties influenced seismic design parameters in soil type D more significantly than in soil type C. Predictive relationships for βs, Vs, and Gs were derived based on the 1D seismic site response analysis and sensitivity analysis results. The βs, Vs, and Gs values obtained from the analysis were compared with the corresponding values in NEHRP to determine the similarities and differences between the two sets of values. The need to incorporate PI and ICR in the metrics for determining βs, Vs, and Gs for the seismic design of foundations was highlighted.
site effects / 1D seismic site response analysis / sensitivity analysis / foundations / shear wave velocity / soil shear modulus
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