Simplified theoretical analysis and numerical study on the dynamic behavior of FCP under blast loads
Chunfeng ZHAO, Xin YE, Avinash GAUTAM, Xin LU, Y. L. MO
Simplified theoretical analysis and numerical study on the dynamic behavior of FCP under blast loads
Precast concrete structures have developed rapidly in the last decades due to the advantages of better quality, non-pollution and fast construction with respect to conventional cast-in-place structures. In the present study, a theoretical model and nonlinear 3D model are developed and established to assess the dynamic behavior of precast concrete slabs under blast load. At first, the 3D model is validated by an experiment performed by other researchers. The verified model is adopted to investigate the blast performance of fabricated concrete panels (FCPs) in terms of parameters of the explosive charge, panel thickness, and reinforcement ratio. Finally, a simplified theoretical model of the FCP under blast load is developed to predict the maximum deflection. It is indicated that the theoretical model can precisely predict the maximum displacement of FCP under blast loads. The results show that the failure modes of the panels varied from bending failure to shear failure with the mass of TNT increasing. The thickness of the panel, reinforcement ratio, and explosive charges have significant effects on the anti-blast capacity of the FCPs.
precast structure / fabricated concrete panel / blast resistance / theory model / empirical equation
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