Evaluation of a developed bypass viscous damper performance
Evaluation of a developed bypass viscous damper performance
In this study, the dynamic behavior of a developed bypass viscous damper is evaluated. Bypass viscous damper has a flexible hose as an external orifice through which the inside fluid transfer from one side to the other side of the inner piston. Accordingly, the viscosity coefficient of the damper can be adjusted using geometrical dimensions of the hose. Moreover, the external orifice acts as a thermal compensator and alleviates viscous heating of the damper. According to experimental results, Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) model, a numerical formula and the simplified Maxwell model are found and assessed; therefore, the verification of numerical and computational models are evaluated for simulating. Also, a simplified procedure is proposed to design structures with bypass viscous dampers. The design procedure is applied to design an 8-story hospital structure with bypass viscous dampers, and it is compared with the same structure, which is designed with concentric braces and without dampers. Nonlinear time history analyses revealed that the hospital with viscous damper experiences less structural inelastic demands and fewer story accelerations which mean fewer demands on nonstructural elements. Moreover, seismic behaviors of nonstructural masonry claddings are also compared in the cases of hospital structure with and without dampers.
developed viscous damper / external orifice / energy dissipation / seismic behavior / CFD model of viscous damper / a simplified model
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