Application of consistent geometric decomposition theorem to dynamic finite element of 3D composite beam based on experimental and numerical analyses


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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (3) : 675-689. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-020-0625-4

Application of consistent geometric decomposition theorem to dynamic finite element of 3D composite beam based on experimental and numerical analyses

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Analyzing static and dynamic problems including composite structures has been of high significance in research efforts and industrial applications. In this article, equivalent single layer approach is utilized for dynamic finite element procedures of 3D composite beam as the building block of numerous composite structures. In this model, both displacement and strain fields are decomposed into cross-sectional and longitudinal components, called consistent geometric decomposition theorem. Then, the model is discretized using finite element procedures. Two local coordinate systems and a global one are defined to decouple mechanical degrees of freedom. Furthermore, from the viewpoint of consistent geometric decomposition theorem, the transformation and element mass matrices for those systems are introduced here for the first time. The same decomposition idea can be used for developing element stiffness matrix. Finally, comprehensive validations are conducted for the theory against experimental and numerical results in two case studies and for various conditions.


composite beam / dynamic finite element / degrees of freedom coupling / experimental validation / numerical validation

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Iman FATTAHI, Hamid Reza MIRDAMADI, Hamid ABDOLLAHI. Application of consistent geometric decomposition theorem to dynamic finite element of 3D composite beam based on experimental and numerical analyses. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2020, 14(3): 675‒689


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