Seismic retrofitting of severely damaged RC connections made with recycled concrete using CFRP sheets


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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2) : 554-568. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-020-0613-8

Seismic retrofitting of severely damaged RC connections made with recycled concrete using CFRP sheets

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An experimental and numerical program is carried out in this research to investigate the influence of CFRP sheets on the cyclic behavior of unconfined connections made with recycled concrete. Cement is partially replaced by silica fume, iron filling and pulverised fuel ash using two different percentages: 15% and 20%. Each specimen is partially loaded at the first stage and then specimens are repaired using CFRP sheets. The repaired specimens are then laterally loaded until failure. In addition, a finite element model is built in ABAQUS and verified using the experimental results. The experimental results have shown that the repaired specimens have regained almost double the capacity of the un-repaired specimens and hence the adopted repair configuration is recommended for retrofitting seismically vulnerable RC connections. Increasing cement replacement percentage by silica fume, fuel ash or iron filling from 15% to 20% has reduced joint carrying capacity and weakened the joint. It is recommended using 15% pulverised fuel ash or silica fume as cement partial replacement to enhance the strength and ultimate drift of beam-column joints under cyclic loading. Iron filling concrete is also recommended but the enhancement is relatively less than that found with pulverised fuel ash concrete and silica fume concrete.


retrofitting / CFRP sheets / recycled concrete / pulverised fuel ash / silica fume / cyclic / beam-column connections

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Yasmin MURAD, Wassel AL BODOUR, Ahmed ASHTEYAT. Seismic retrofitting of severely damaged RC connections made with recycled concrete using CFRP sheets. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2020, 14(2): 554‒568


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The work was supported by King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB). Financial assistance provided by King Abdullah II Design and Development Bureau (KADDB) is greatly appreciated. The testing frame rig provided by Jordan University of Science and Technology is highly acknowledged.


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