Computational modeling of fracture in concrete: A review
Luthfi Muhammad MAULUDIN, Chahmi OUCIF
Computational modeling of fracture in concrete: A review
This paper presents a review of fracture modeling of concrete. The complex material, such as concrete, has been widely used in construction industries and become trending issue in the last decades. Based on comprehensive literature review, there are two main approaches considered to-date of concrete fracture modeling, such as macroscopic and micromechanical models. The purpose of this review is to provide insight comparison from different techniques in modeling of fracture in concrete which are available. In the first section, an overview of fracture modeling in general is highlighted. Two different approaches both of macroscopic and micromechanical models will be reviewed. As heterogeneity of concrete material is major concern in micromechanical-based concrete modeling, one section will discuss this approach. Finally, the summary from all of reviewed techniques will be pointed out before the future perspective is given.
concrete fracture / macroscopic / micromechanical / heterogeneity
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