Investigation of fatigue resistance of fillet-welded tube connection details for sign support structures
Hyungjoo CHOI, Husam NAJM
Investigation of fatigue resistance of fillet-welded tube connection details for sign support structures
Stiffened and unstiffened fillet-welded tube-to-transverse plate connection details are widely used for mast-arm and base-plate connections for highway sign structures. However, due to repetitive wind loads, cyclic fatigue stresses are induced and they are the primary source of failure in welded connections at these locations. The resistance of fatigue critical details has been an on-going research topic because of limited experimental results and the variability in existing fatigue testing results. The main objective of this study is to evaluate fatigue resistance of fillet-welded tube connection details by utilizing the advanced fatigue tool in ANSYS Workbench platform. Finite Element (FE) models development and model validation using existing test data was presented. The resulting fatigue resistance from FE analysis was expressed in terms of fatigue life, fatigue damage, and fatigue safety factor to determine the fatigue performance of fillet-welded connections. Existing fatigue test data was grouped to perform a synthetic analysis and then analysis results were provided to determine input data and fatigue limit for the fatigue module. The local stress level at fatigue critical locations was evaluated using a static FE model for different number of stiffeners and boundary conditions. The results of this investigation provides fatigue resistance of fillet-welded connection details in the form of fatigue life, fatigue damage and safety factor for various connection parameters and structural conditions.
fatigue / weld connections / base plate / fillet welds
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