Investigation of Generalized SIFs of cracks in 3D piezoelectric media under various crack-face conditions


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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2020, Vol. 14 ›› Issue (2) : 280-298. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-019-0586-7

Investigation of Generalized SIFs of cracks in 3D piezoelectric media under various crack-face conditions

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This paper investigates the influence of crack geometry, crack-face and loading conditions, and the permittivity of a medium inside the crack gap on intensity factors of planar and non-planar cracks in linear piezoelectric media. A weakly singular boundary integral equation method together with the near-front approximation is adopted to accurately determine the intensity factors. Obtained results indicate that the non-flat crack surface, the electric field, and the permittivity of a medium inside the crack gap play a crucial role on the behavior of intensity factors. The mode-I stress intensity factors (KI) for two representative non-planar cracks under different crack-face conditions are found significantly different and they possess both upper and lower bounds. In addition, KI for impermeable and semi-permeable non-planar cracks treated depends strongly on the electric field whereas those of impermeable, permeable, and semi-permeable penny-shaped cracks are identical and independent of the electric field. The stress/electric intensity factors predicted by permeable and energetically consistent models are, respectively, independent of and dependent on the electric field for the penny-shaped crack and the two representative non-planar cracks. Also, the permittivity of a medium inside the crack gap strongly affects the intensity factors for all crack configurations considered except for KI of the semi-permeable penny-shaped crack.


crack-face conditions / intensity factors / non-flat cracks / permittivity / piezoelectric media / SGBEM

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Jaroon RUNGAMORNRAT, Bounsana CHANSAVANG, Weeraporn PHONGTINNABOOT, Chung Nguyen VAN. Investigation of Generalized SIFs of cracks in 3D piezoelectric media under various crack-face conditions. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2020, 14(2): 280‒298


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The authors gratefully acknowledge the financial support provided by Thailand Research Fund (Grant Nos. TRG5880100 and RSA5980032).


2019 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature
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