Finite element analysis of controlled low strength materials
Finite element analysis of controlled low strength materials
Controlled low strength materials (CLSM) are flowable and self-compacting construction materials that have been used in a wide variety of applications. This paper describes the numerical modeling of CLSM fills with finite element method under compression loading and the bond performance of CLSM and steel rebar under pullout loading. The study was conducted using a plastic-damage model which captures the material behavior using both classical theory of elasto-plasticity and continuum damage mechanics. The capability of the finite element approach for the analysis of CLSM fills was assessed by a comparison with the experimental results from a laboratory compression test on CLSM cylinders and pullout tests. The analysis shows that the behavior of a CLSM fill while subject to a failure compression load or pullout tension load can be simulated in a reasonably accurate manner.
CLSM / finite element method / compressive strength / pullout / numerical modeling / plastic damage model
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