Finding buckling points for nonlinear structures by dynamic relaxation scheme
Finding buckling points for nonlinear structures by dynamic relaxation scheme
Dynamic Relaxation Method (DRM) is an explicit approach for solving the simultaneous systems of equations. In this tactic, the fictitious mass and damping are added to the static governing equations, and an artificial dynamic system is constructed. By using DRM for nonlinear analysis, the structural static equilibrium path is obtained. This outcome is extremely valuable, since it leads to the behavior of structures. Among the finding related to the structural static path are the critical and buckling points for nonlinear structures. In this paper, a new way for calculating the load factor is proposed by setting the external work zero. Mixing the dynamic relaxation scheme with external work technique has not been formulated so far. In all incremental-iterative methods, the load factor increment sign should be determinated by extra calculations. This sign leads to increase or decrease of the load increment. It is worth emphasizing that sign of the load factor increment changes at the load limit points. Therefore, the sign determinations are required in the common work control methods. These disadvantages are eliminated in the proposed algorithm. In fact, the suggested load factor depends only on the Dynamic Relaxation (DR) fictitious parameters. Besides, all DR calculations are performed via vector operation. Moreover, the load factor is calculated only by one formula, and it has the same relation in the all solution processes. In contrast to the arc length techniques, which requires the sign determined, the proposed scheme does not need any sign finding. It is shown that author’s technique is quicker than the other dynamic relaxation strategies. To prove the capability and efficiency of the presented scheme, several numerical tests are performed. The results indicate that the suggested approach can trace the complex structural static paths, even in the snap-back and snap-through parts.
load factor / external work / dynamic relaxation / static equilibrium path / large displacement
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