Finite element model updating of a large structure using multi-setup stochastic subspace identification method and bees optimization algorithm


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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2019, Vol. 13 ›› Issue (4) : 965-980. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-019-0530-x

Finite element model updating of a large structure using multi-setup stochastic subspace identification method and bees optimization algorithm

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In the present contribution, operational modal analysis in conjunction with bees optimization algorithm are utilized to update the finite element model of a solar power plant structure. The physical parameters which required to be updated are uncertain parameters including geometry, material properties and boundary conditions of the aforementioned structure. To determine these uncertain parameters, local and global sensitivity analyses are performed to increase the solution accuracy. An objective function is determined using the sum of the squared errors between the natural frequencies calculated by finite element method and operational modal analysis, which is optimized using bees optimization algorithm. The natural frequencies of the solar power plant structure are estimated by multi-setup stochastic subspace identification method which is considered as a strong and efficient method in operational modal analysis. The proposed algorithm is efficiently implemented on the solar power plant structure located in Shahid Chamran university of Ahvaz, Iran, to update parameters of its finite element model. Moreover, computed natural frequencies by numerical method are compared with those of the operational modal analysis. The results indicate that, bees optimization algorithm leads accurate results with fast convergence.


operational modal analysis / solar power plant structure / multi-setup stochastic subspace / bees optimization algorithm / sensitivity analysis

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Reza KHADEMI-ZAHEDI, Pouyan ALIMOURI. Finite element model updating of a large structure using multi-setup stochastic subspace identification method and bees optimization algorithm. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2019, 13(4): 965‒980


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