Empirical models and design codes in prediction of modulus of elasticity of concrete
Empirical models and design codes in prediction of modulus of elasticity of concrete
Modulus of Elasticity (MOE) is a key parameter in reinforced concrete design. It represents the stress-strain relationship in the elastic range and is used in the prediction of concrete structures. Out of range estimation of MOE in the existing codes of practice strongly affect the design and performance of the concrete structures. This study includes: (a) evaluation and comparison of the existing analytical models to estimating the MOE in normal strength concrete, and (b) proposing and verifying a new model. In addition, a wide range of experimental databases and empirical models to estimate the MOE from compressive strength and density of concrete are evaluated to verification of the proposed model. The results show underestimation of MOE of conventional concrete in majority of the existing models. Also, considering the consistency between density and mechanical properties of concrete, the predicted MOE in the models including density effect, are more compatible with the experimental results.
modulus of elasticity / normal strength normal weight concrete / empirical models / design codes / compressive strength / density
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