Multiscale mechanical modeling of hydrated cement paste under tensile load using the combined DEM-MD method
Yue HOU, Linbing WANG
Multiscale mechanical modeling of hydrated cement paste under tensile load using the combined DEM-MD method
In this paper, a combined DEM-MD method is proposed to simulate the crack failure process of Hydrated Cement Paste (HCP) under a tensile force. A three-dimensional (3D) multiscale mechanical model is established using the combined Discrete Element Method (DEM)-Molecular Dynamics (MD) method in LAMMPS (Large-scale Atomic/Molecular Massively Parallel Simulator). In the 3D model, HCP consists of discrete particles and atoms. Simulation results show that the combined DEM-MD model is computationally efficient with good accuracy in predicting tensile failures of HCP.
hydrated cement paste / multiscale / MD simulation / DEM
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