In-plane transversal normal stresses in the concrete face of CFRD induced by the first-dam reservoir filling
In-plane transversal normal stresses in the concrete face of CFRD induced by the first-dam reservoir filling
To evaluate the effects of dam height, valley narrowness and width of concrete slabs on the first-dam reservoir filling in-plane transversal normal stresses in the concrete face of CFRD´s, 3D finite difference analyses were carried out. Behavior of rockfill dams considered in this study was defined from the monitoring of a number of 3D sets of pressure cells and extensometers installed in three large dams in Mexico. The 3D analyses results show that high in-plane transversal compressive stresses develop within the concrete panels located in the central concrete face zone upon dam reservoir filling loading. Likewise, in-plane induced tensile transversal stresses in the zones near the abutments increase the potential of slabs cracking and damaging the waterstops in-between the vertical and perimetral joints. From the results of the 3D finite difference analyses, a simple method to estimate in-plane normal stresses in the concrete face is advanced and through comparisons with the results of a 3D case numerical study, its accuracy assessed.
concrete face / CFR dams / reservoir filling / slab in-plane stresses
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