Influence of fluid-structure interaction on vortex induced vibration and lock-in phenomena in long span bridges
Nazim Abdul NARIMAN
Influence of fluid-structure interaction on vortex induced vibration and lock-in phenomena in long span bridges
In this paper, deck models of a cable stayed bridge are generated in ABAQUS-finite element program once using only CFD model (one-way fluid-structure interaction) and another by using both the CFD model and the CSD model together (two-way fluid-structure interaction) in a co-simulation. Shedding frequencies for the associated wind velocities in the lock-in region are calculated in both approaches. The results are validated with Simiu and Scanlan results. The lift and drag coefficients are determined for the two approaches and the latter results are validated with the flat plate theory results by Munson and coauthors. A decrease in the critical wind velocity and the shedding frequencies considering two-way approach was determined compared to those obtained in the one-way approach. The results of the lift and drag forces in the two-way approach showed appreciable decrease in their values. It was concluded that the two-way approach predicts earlier vortex induced vibration for lower critical wind velocities and lock-in phenomena will appear at lower natural frequencies of the long span bridges. This helps the designers to efficiently plan and consider for the design and safety of the long span bridge against this type of vibration.
vortex-induced vibration / fluid-structure interaction / Strouhal number / lock-in / kinetic energy
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