Seismic performance of steel MRF building with nonlinear viscous dampers

Baiping DONG, James M. RICLES, Richard SAUSE

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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2016, Vol. 10 ›› Issue (3) : 254-271. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-016-0348-8

Seismic performance of steel MRF building with nonlinear viscous dampers

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This paper presents an experimental study of the seismic response of a 0.6-scale three-story seismic-resistant building structure consisting of a moment resisting frame (MRF) with reduced beam sections (RBS), and a frame with nonlinear viscous dampers and associated bracing (called the DBF). The emphasis is on assessing the seismic performance for the design basis earthquake (DBE) and maximum considered earthquake (MCE). Three MRF designs were studied, with the MRF designed for 100%, 75%, and 60%, respectively, of the required base shear design strength determined according to ASCE 7-10. The DBF with nonlinear viscous dampers was designed to control the lateral drift demands. Earthquake simulations using ensembles of DBE and MCE ground motions were conducted using the real-time hybrid simulation method. The results show the drift demand and damage that occurs in the MRF under seismic loading. Overall, the results show that a high level of seismic performance can be achieved under DBE and MCE ground motions, even for a building structure designed for as little as 60% of the base shear design strength required by ASCE 7-10 for a structure without dampers.

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seismic response / steel MRF / nonlinear viscous damper / design basis earthquake / real-time hybrid simulation

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Baiping DONG, James M. RICLES, Richard SAUSE. Seismic performance of steel MRF building with nonlinear viscous dampers. Front. Struct. Civ. Eng., 2016, 10(3): 254‒271


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This paper is based upon work supported by grants from National Science Foundation, Award No. CMS-0936610 in the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation Research (NEESR) program, and Grant No. CMS-0402490 for the George E. Brown, Jr. Network for Earthquake Engineering Simulation (NEES) consortium operations. Support was also provided by the Pennsylvania Department of Community and Economic Development through the Pennsylvania Infrastructure Technology Alliance. The experiments were conducted at the NEES Real-Time Multi-Directional (RTMD) earthquake simulation facility located at the ATLSS Center at Lehigh University. The authors acknowledge the contributions of the NEES RTMD staff and the ATLSS Center staff. The opinions, findings, and conclusions expressed in this paper are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the views of those acknowledged here.


2016 Higher Education Press and Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg
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