Characterization of random stress fields obtained from polycrystalline aggregate calculations using multi-scale stochastic finite elements
Bruno SUDRET, Hung Xuan DANG, Marc BERVEILLER, Asmahana ZEGHADI, Thierry YALAMAS
Characterization of random stress fields obtained from polycrystalline aggregate calculations using multi-scale stochastic finite elements
The spatial variability of stress fields resulting from polycrystalline aggregate calculations involving random grain geometry and crystal orientations is investigated. A periodogram-based method is proposed to identify the properties of homogeneous Gaussian random fields (power spectral density and related covariance structure). Based on a set of finite element polycrystalline aggregate calculations the properties of the maximal principal stress field are identified. Two cases are considered, using either a fixed or random grain geometry. The stability of the method w.r.t the number of samples and the load level (up to 3.5% macroscopic deformation) is investigated.
polycrystalline aggregates / crystal plasticity / random fields / spatial variability / correlation structure
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