Analysis of flow over backward facing step with transition
Dwarikanath RATHA, Arindam SARKAR
Analysis of flow over backward facing step with transition
The present study deals with the study of the velocity distribution and the separation phenomenon of flow of air over a two dimensional backward facing step. The flow of air over a backward facing step has been investigated numerically using FLUENT. Flow simulation has been carried out in a backward facing step having an expansion ratio (ratio of the height before and after the step) of 1:1.94 and the results obtained are compared with the published experimental results. Comparison of flow characteristics between steps with three different transitions is made. The variation of reattachment length for all the three cases are analyzed for wide range of Reynolds number ranging from 100 to 7000 which covers the laminar, transition and turbulent flow of air. Simulation of the flow over steps with expansion ratios of 1:1.24, 1:1.38, 1:1.47, 1:1.53, 1:1.94, 1:2.20 are also carried out to examine the effect of different expansion ratios on the reattachment length. It is found that the primary reattachment length increases with increase in the expansion ratio. The primary reattachment length at the bottom wall downstream of the step is minimum for the step with round edged transition and maximum for the step with a vertical drop transition.
Reattachment length / backward facing step / transition / flow separation / k-ϵ model
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