Liquefaction assessment using microtremor measurement, conventional method and artificial neural network (Case study: Babol, Iran)
Sadegh REZAEI, Asskar Janalizadeh CHOOBBASTI
Liquefaction assessment using microtremor measurement, conventional method and artificial neural network (Case study: Babol, Iran)
Recent researchers have discovered microtremor applications for evaluating the liquefaction potential. Microtremor measurement is a fast, applicable and cost-effective method with extensive applications. In the present research the liquefaction potential has been reviewed by utilization of microtremor measurement results in Babol city. For this purpose microtremor measurements were performed at 60 measurement stations and the data were analyzed by suing Nakmaura’s method. By using the fundamental frequency and amplification factor, the value of vulnerability index () was calculated and the liquefaction potential has been evaluated. To control the accuracy of this method, its output has been compared with the results of Seed and Idriss [
liquefaction / microtremor / vulnerability index / artificial neural networks (ANN) / microzonation
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