Seismic performance of moment resisting steel frame subjected to earthquake excitations
Fadzli M. NAZRI, Pang Yew KEN
Seismic performance of moment resisting steel frame subjected to earthquake excitations
This study presents static and dynamic assessments on the steel structures. Pushover analysis (POA) and incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) were run on moment resisting steel frames. The IDA study involves successive scaling and application of each accelerogram followed by assessment of the maximum response. Steel frames are subjected to nonlinear inelastic time history analysis for 14 different scaled ground motions, 7 near field and 7 far field. The results obtained from POA on the 3, 6 and 9 storey steel frames show consistent results for both uniform and triangular lateral loading. Uniform loading shows that the steel frames exhibits higher base shear than the triangular loading. The IDA results show that the far field ground motions has caused all steel frame design within the research to collapse while near field ground motion only caused some steel frames to collapse. The POA can be used to estimate the performance-based-seismic-design (PBSD) limit states of the steel frames with consistency while the IDA seems to be quite inconsistent. It is concluded that the POA can be consistently used to estimate the limit states of steel frames while limit state estimations from IDA requires carefully selected ground motions with considerations of important parameters.
incremental dynamic analysis (IDA) / pushover analysis / performance-based seismic design
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