Modeling of dynamic response of poroelastic soil layers under wave loading
Mehmet Barış Can ÜLKER
Modeling of dynamic response of poroelastic soil layers under wave loading
In this paper, the dynamic response of saturated and layered soils under harmonic waves is modeled using the finite element method. The numerical results are then verified by corresponding analytical solutions which are also developed by the author. The equations governing the dynamics of porous media are written in their fully dynamic form and possible simplifications are introduced based on the presence of inertial terms associated with solid and fluid phases. The response variations are presented in terms of pore water pressure and shear stress distributions within the layers. It is determined that a set of non-dimensional parameters and their respective ratios as a result of layering play a major role in the dynamic response.
dynamic response of soils / coupled flow-deformation / finite elements / analytical solution / harmonic waves
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