Comparison and harmonization of building wind loading codes among the Asia-Pacific Economies
Yaojun GE, Shuyang CAO, Xinyang JIN
Comparison and harmonization of building wind loading codes among the Asia-Pacific Economies
This paper reviews wind loading codes and standards in the Asia-Pacific Region, in particular in the 15 countries and areas. A general description of wind loading model is given as a famous wind loading chain described by four variables including velocity pressure, exposure factor, pressure coefficient, and gust response factor. Through the APEC-WW Workshops and the extensive calculations for three examples of low, medium and high rise buildings, these four important variables of wind loads are evaluated and compared with statistical parameters, mean values and coefficients of variation. The main results of the comparison show some differences among the 15 economies, and the reasons and further incorporation are discussed and suggested.
wind loading / codification / velocity pressure / exposure factor / pressure coefficient / gust response factor
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