Foundations bearing capacity subjected to seepage by the kinematic approach of the limit analysis


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Front. Struct. Civ. Eng. ›› 2013, Vol. 7 ›› Issue (4) : 446-455. DOI: 10.1007/s11709-013-0227-5

Foundations bearing capacity subjected to seepage by the kinematic approach of the limit analysis

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An estimate of the ultimate load on foundations on soil layers subject to groundwater flow has been presented. The kinematic approach of the limit analysis was employed to find the upper-bound limit of the bearing capacity. Both smooth and rough base strip foundations were considered associated with different collapse patterns. Presence of the groundwater flow leads to a non-symmetric collapse pattern, i.e., a weak side and a strong side in two-sided collapse patterns, depending on the direction of the flow. It was found that the bearing capacity has a decreasing trend with increase in the groundwater flow gradient and hence, a reduction factor has been introduced to the third term in the bearing capacity equation as a function of the flow gradient.


foundation / bearing capacity / limit analysis / numerical computation / plasticity / seepage

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Mehdi VEISKARAMI, Ghasem HABIBAGAHI. Foundations bearing capacity subjected to seepage by the kinematic approach of the limit analysis. Front Struc Civil Eng, 2013, 7(4): 446‒455


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