Innovative seismic retrofitting strategy of added stories isolation system
Min-Ho CHEY, J. Geoffrey CHASE, John B. MANDER, Athol J. CARR
Innovative seismic retrofitting strategy of added stories isolation system
The seismic performance of “added stories isolation” (ASI) systems are investigated for 12-story moment resisting frames. The newly added and isolated upper stories on the top of the existing structure are rolled to act as a large tuned mass damper (TMD) to overcome the limitation of the size of tuned mass, resulting to “12+2” and “12+4” stories building configurations. The isolation layer, as a core design strategy, is optimally designed based on optimal TMD design principle, entailing the insertion of passive flexible laminated rubber bearings to segregate two or four upper stories from a conventionally constructed lower superstructure system. Statistical performance metrics are presented for 30 earthquake records from the 3 suites of the SAC project. Time history analyses are used to compute various response performances and reduction factors across a wide range of seismic hazard intensities. Results show that ASI systems can effectively manage seismic response for multi-degree-of freedom (MDOF) systems across a broader range of ground motions without requiring burdensome extra mass. Specific results include the identification of differences in the number of added story by which the suggested isolation systems remove energy.
added stories / seismic isolation / tuned mass damper / parametric optimization / statistical method
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