Impacts of opening baffle of city road tunnels on natural ventilation performance
Weixiao YANG, Jincheng XING, Jianxing LI, Jihong LING, Haixian HAO, Zhiqiang YAN
Impacts of opening baffle of city road tunnels on natural ventilation performance
Based on the opening baffle mode for natural ventilation of city road tunnels, this paper studies the impacts of opening baffle on natural ventilation performance by verifying numerical simulation through model tests. By analyzing the impacts of installation angle, dimension, location, and quantity of opening baffle on ventilation performance, the paper reached the conclusions as follows: 1) When installation angle is larger than 45° and tunnel ventilation is well operated, the baffle exhaust could increase by at least 30% compared to when there is no baffle. 2) The baffle reaches its optimal performance when the length of the baffle is equal to the width of the city road tunnels. 3) Baffle exhaust could increase by 30% when it is installed in the downstream of openings. 4) The performance of a single baffle is better than that of multiple baffles.
city road tunnel / numerical simulation / baffle / top opening / natural ventilation
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